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Welcome to the world of opportunities at BFL
BFL offers immense growth oppurtunity for the right candidate
The company has shown tremendous growth over the last few years. Market penetration, New products and Technical collaborations with leading manufacturers around the world is fueling this growth. Investment on modern manufacturing methods, State-of-the-art machines and Total Quality Management is being pursued relentlessly. This offers challenging opportunities in the field of Design, Marketing, Product Development, HR, Manufacturing Engineering, Production Management, Materials Management, Quality Management, Finance & Costing & Vendor development at different levels.
The company provides excellent professional environment to work and learn to optimum satisfaction. There is a thrust to provide employees all round development at different cadres, both in India and Overseas to update and sharpen their efficiency and expertise.
We encourage candidates with integrity, sincerity and commitment to use the opportunities and climb the corporate ladders at BFL.